Until 1975, Suriname was a colony of The Netherlands and therefore
the Christmas traditions were similar in both nations. The highlight
of the pre-Christmas season would be the arrival of St. Nicholas on
December 5th, the eve of his birthday. Just as in Holland, St. Nicholas
was an elderly Caucasian man who arrived by ship, with a white horse
and a retinue of Black servants. After Surname won its independence,
St. Nicholas suddenly changed into a Black man and his new name was
Goedoe Pa or Dearest Daddy. His servants remained Black.
Meanwhile, instead of leaving hay and carrots in their shoes for St.
Nicholas' horse, children in Suriname would put out cookies and milk for
Goedoe Pa and his servants who would be busy delivering gifts throughout
the country. The presents are found next to the children's shoes in the
morning of December 6th, with poems attached to the gifts.
The Christmas celebration is unlike Holland and resembles the more
elaborate festivities in the United States with gifts, special food and
parties. The observance goes on for two days, December 25th which is
Christmas Day and December 26th, known as Tweede Kerstdag.
Both days are national holidays with offices, factories and schools closed.
The main emphasis of the holiday is the birth of the Christchild.
Families attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.
After church, they enjoy opening gifts at home and there is an "open
house" for friends and neighbors throughout the day and into the next.
Beautifully decorated Christmas trees are part of almost every Suriname
household and you'll always find elaborately prepared ethnic foods. |